2023-24 State Budget

The 2023-24 State Budget was tabled in the Parliament by the Hon. Cameron Dick, Treasurer and Minister for Investment, on 13 June 2023. The budget addresses four key areas; the cost of living pressures, enhancing health services, improving housing affordability and keeping communities safe. 

The budget includes some fantastic funding for projects here in Logan - check out my budget highlights down below. 

Addressing cost of living pressures

enhancing health services

improving housing affordability

keeping communities safe



The Palaszczuk Government is proud to support learning in our state. We understand the importance of a good education, to set our kids up for the future. That's why we continue to make record investments in education across the state, and right here in Logan. 

  • Planning is underway for a new school in Logan to supporting the growing needs of the communities of Park Ridge and Logan Reserve
  • $19.7 million in 2023/24 to construct the Everleigh State School. The school will cater for up to 1400 students, providing quality education facilities in the growing North Maclean
  • $1 million for the Jimboomba State School to refurbish the Block O Administration building
  • $882,000 for the Park Ridge State High School to construct a new building for additional learning spaces
  • $677,000 for planned maintenance at schools across the Logan Electorate

Artist impression of new State School for Prep to Year 6 in 2025 in Logan.


Free Kindergarten for all Queensland kids

  • Kindy will be free for every Queensland family thanks to a $645 million budget boost
  • The program is set to save families around $4,600 per year
  • The initiative is expected to see a further 50,000 Queensland kids benefit from free kindy.

I am proud to announce that this package also includes an increased investment in workforce, and support for children in disadvantaged areas and children with a disability. This budget proposal shows that we are committed to ensuring that kids in Logan get a better education by starting their learning earlier in life and that those kids with additional learning needs are better supported right at the start of their schooling.

Kindergarten is essential for our kids to help them to prepare for school and better adapt to the classroom. This support being offered to families in Logan with young children will help them to save thousands of dollars per year on their kindergarten costs.

In addition to the benefits for kindergarten kids, this budget announcement is also great news for mums and dads throughout the community. Parents can now look to take up other work opportunities knowing that their kids are learning in kindergarten and they are not being burdened with extra costs during this challenging cost of living period.



  • $550 for every Queensland household to reduce your power bill
  • In addition to the $500 Federal Labor Government rebate
  • Those in need will receive up to $1072 in rebates to reduce their power bill meaning that some Queenslanders will not pay anything for their power bill, another great commit to ease the pressure of the cost of living.

 The following Queenslanders will be eligible for an additional rebate on their power bills:

  • Pensioner concession card holders
  • Health care card holders
  • Family Tax benefit A and B recipients
  • Those on a Carer allowance

Small businesses that meet the definition of an electricity “small customer” in Queensland will get a $650 rebate.

Jordan – Greenbank Battery

Making Queensland's energy grid greener and more sustainable is something that I am passionate about. That's why I am excited to be a part of a battery project that will help to power homes in Logan in a more sustainable way. This battery will power homes in Logan at critical peak usage times.


Artists impression of the proposed battery for Chincilla, QLD



The State Government continues to support the growth of healthcare services in the state and especially in Logan. The 2023-24 State Budget builds on the great work nearing completion and ensures that the Logan Hospital has the funding it needs to continue to grow. The nearly $1 billion investment in the Logan hospital gives locals access to the best healthcare facilities in Queensland. 

Stage 2

  • $530 million for Stage 2 as part of the Logan Hospital Expansion
  • 112 additional hospital beds 
  • A new 7 storey building between Block 3 and the new car park developed during Stage 1
  • Together with Stage 1 this brings the State Government's investment in Logan Hospital to $1 billion
  • More intensive care beds, more high intensity beds, greater access to acute care and intensive care beds in Logan
  • Generates 1290 high paying jobs in Logan 
  • A bigger and better Logan hospital means that locals don't have to travel to the inner city to receive the quality healthcare they deserve

Artist impression of the Logan Hospital vertical expansion.

Roads and Transport

The Palaszczuk Government has continued to invest money in our roads to get Queenslanders home sooner and safer. Improving our road networks is vital to a productive community, which is why I am proud of all of the work we have done on the Mount Lindesay Highway.

Check out everything we've achieved on the Mount Lindesay Highway already!

This budget includes funding for these important projects in Logan:

  • $24 million expanding the Mount Lindesay highway from 2 to 4 lanes from Johanna St to South St

Completed work

  • $13.4 million safety improvements along the Mount Lindesay Highway from Jimboomba to Beaudesert.
  • $37.5 million investment to four-lane and make safety improvements between Stoney Camp Rd and Chambers Flat Rd on the Mount Lindesay Highway.
  • $10 million for pavement widening on Beaudesert-Beenleigh Rd between Armstrong Rd and Stubbin St.
  • $1.8 million for widening and safety improvements at the intersection of Camp Cable Rd and Edelsten Rd.
  • $5.5 million for planning of the Salisbury to Beaudesert Passenger Rail 
  • $3 million towards a business case for upgrades between North Maclean and Jimboomba
  • $500,000 out of $1.5 million for planning of the future Park Ridge Connector.


Four-laning was completed from Rosia Rd to Stoney Camp Rd in 2020, a bus turnaround has been constructed along with the installation of additional safety barriers, work continues expanding the highway from Johanna St to South St.


SwimStart Vouchers

Families will receive vouchers for those up to 4 years old providing them with up to $150 to teach kids how to swim as money has been allocated to extend the FairPlay vouchers scheme.

More than 30,000 SwimStart vouchers will be available across Queensland



Logan City Council

Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity - $1.3 million in 2023-24 out of a $2.5 million total spend to improve the quality and coverage of digital infrastructure in the Logan City Council area. 

Cheaper QLD Licences

Changes to licence fees will see Queensland’s Learner Licence fees reduced from $186.55 to $75

The fee for replacement Queensland driver licences, photo identification cards and industry authority cards will be reduced to $35


Food relief program

Funding to help deliver critical food relief to vulnerable families through the Free School Breakfast and Critical Food Relief Programs.



For full details on the 2023-24 State Budget, including information on how the budget is taking action on tackling the cost of living crisis, visit the QLD Budget website at https://budget.qld.gov.au/









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