New Transport Solutions for Logan


IMG_3821.JPGOn 28 September 2017, the Palaszczuk Government launched Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) trial, a new way to connect with the community and the first of it's kind in Queensland. 

I fought to secure Logan as a trial site because I know how important reliable public transport is for our community.

For just $3 ($1.50 for pensioners), residents in the trial zone will be able to travel to shopping centres such as Grand Plaza and the Park Ridge Town Centre, as well as public transport hubs across our local area.

In our community, residents of Chambers Flat, Park Ridge, Park Ridge South, Boronia Heights, Hillcrest, Logan Reserve and Munruben are included in the trial.

Only the Palaszczuk Government will continue to invest in real local public transport solutions for Logan. While the effect of COVID-19 in 2020 was felt, the DRT trial remains in place with the service continuing to be used by residents across Logan.

You can learn more about our new solution at:, book your first trip on 13 11 90 or download the myDRTLogan app on the google store or App Store.


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